
Remaining Stock of Leather-bound Scriptures Update


At the close of the pre-order purchase window in 2019, a group of individuals created the “Perpetual Scripture Fund” (PSF) to purchase an additional quantity of scriptures that could be held in inventory and made available after the pre-order sales were complete. As these are sold, the proceeds replenish the fund, which will then be used to place the next order for printing RE Scriptures (hence the “perpetual” nature of the fund). 

These remaining RE Scriptures sets will be available to purchase next week. Here are the details on how to purchase: 

Scriptures.shop will be updated with live access to the store on Tuesday, August 3, at 12:00 noon Pacific time (1:00 pm Mountain time). Because stock is limited to only the PSF inventory that was purchased, the quantities of each item are set. If an item shows “out of stock,” it’s sold out (and the listing will be removed from the store shortly). 


Due to the limited nature of the inventory, we reserve the right to cancel any order for any reason. Any orders for a large number of items are likely to be canceled. We wish to remind everyone to be considerate of others throughout this process.

After all of the PSF scripture sets have been sold, the leather scriptures area of the store will again be closed, and will remain closed until we are ready for what we hope will be a second (2nd) printing.



A new book has been prepared based upon Denver’s recent paper titled Religion of the Fathers. Significant verbal comments made during the presentation were recorded and then added to the text, which was then edited, combined with the Restoration Edition text of the Book of Abraham, and prepared for this volume. This new book presents an expanded view of the Restoration of the gospel, its ancient roots, current covenants, and prophesied future.

The topic and content is important enough that a stand-alone book has been published so it can be easily distributed to bookstores, libraries, and shared with friends and family. The original talk in PDF form, as well as video and audio of the verbal presentation can be watched or downloaded for free from RestorationArchives.com, and the Book of Abraham text can of course be found in the T&C and on Scriptures.info. There is no need to purchase something in order to have access to the content. However, this book version adds additional, convenient options for wide distribution and preservation of the content.

From the Introduction:

The first and most complete religion belonged to Adam and Eve. They lived with God, and after being cast out, they retained a memory of living in God’s presence. Adam taught the first eight patriarchs born after him the Religion of the Fathers, which involved direct communion, contact, and connection between mankind and God. It enabled the faithful to hear directly from the Lord His promise of eternal life, to seal them by covenant into His Heavenly Family.

Despite nearly universal apostasy and rebellion against God while Adam lived, the line of first or Patriarchal Fathers preserved the true religion. Their religion was Adam’s religion, and their understanding reached back to the Garden of Eden. They experienced visions, ascended into Heaven, obtained promises of exaltation, and were transformed by their experiences from men into angels of God.

After Shem (Melchizedek), an apostasy lasted until Abraham. Although he was raised by an idolater, Abraham searched for the true God of Heaven. He “sought for the blessings of the Fathers,” the very thing Malachi prophesies will return before the great and dreadful return of the Lord. Like Adam (at the beginning) and his descendant, Enoch, Abraham was caught up into Heaven and received a tutorial endowment from God. The covenant of the first Fathers was renewed and conferred upon him by Melchizedek, thereby restoring continuity back to Adam.

Abraham represents the key Patriarchal Father prophesied of in Malachi. Abraham not only renewed the covenant of the Fathers (including Noah and Enoch), but also, through the Abrahamic covenant, God established Abraham as the new head of the family of God on Earth.

The Book of Abraham has become a battleground because it is so important for our salvation. Recovering the Religion of the Fathers, becoming of one heart with the Fathers, and fulfilling the prophecy of Malachi are directly connected to Abraham. The more we can learn of Abraham, the more we can know of the covenant with the Fathers spoken of by Malachi, and those same blessings of the Fathers that will be administered again before the end. We can, if faithful, obtain all that the original Fathers received from God at the beginning.

Therefore, any book written by Abraham should be priceless to us.

The Lord’s “strange act” is approaching completion. The promises made to the Fathers are being vindicated. The Restoration has recommenced, and if we are faithful, it will not be paused or interrupted again. Although Israel’s numbers are few, there have never been great numbers willing to sacrifice everything for God.

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