
Restoration Scriptures Update

Hello friends, we are excited to have another set of updates from the Restoration Scriptures Foundation. 

Today we have some very important updates about the Restoration Scriptures regarding hardcover, paperback, and leather-bound editions. Feel free to share this with any who may be interested.  For anyone who wants to sign up to receive updates, please encourage them to sign up at www.scriptures.shop.  If you or anyone you know has signed up but have not seen an e-mail, please check your e-mail spam folder. 

Standard Paperback/Hardcover Updates

All 6 Books of the Restoration Edition of the Scriptures are now available in the following formats:

     Large Print 
     Medium Print
     Small Print
     Large Print
     Medium Print

Journaling Edition:
A Journaling edition (8.5 x 8.5 in square) is being prepared and will be available in the coming weeks. This edition will have a large margin suitable for extensive note-taking.

See the sizing chart if you have questions about the sizes.  All layouts will be the same across binding type, material, and size.  

Links are available on scriptures.shop for international purchase options, and additional suppliers will be posted as they are available.

Update on Leather-bound edition:

Samples of the leather-bound edition of the scriptures have been received, approved, and a decision has been made for the supplier that will be used. Final details are still being arranged, however, we will announce the special pre-order window along with all the details in an upcoming e-mail update.  So please pass the word along and or encourage others to sign up for alerts at scriptures.shop so everyone who's interested gets the information.      

Here is some basic information to give you an introduction of what's to come as we get ready for special-orders:

- The leather-bound sets will only be sold as a 3 volume set, not as individual books.
- There will be an optional leather-bound journal available with the same binding and cover types as the scriptures.    
- There will be a few different colors and cover types to choose from.   
- This edition of the scriptures will be special-order only, available for a limited time, with delivery expected in early 2020. 
- There will be a scriptures booth at the upcoming General Conference in Boise Idaho, where the physical prototypes will be available for you to see and hold. 

We are very excited to begin the special-order process and are working quickly to prepare all the things behind the scenes to allow that to happen.  

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